Thursday, April 25, 2013

Speed up android emulator (Intel x86 Atom System Image)

Default settings for andoid emulator in adt (eclipse) makes it enormously slow. Someone says it is faster to load application to real device than wait for emulator loading. What is a much simple way to speed up emulator?

I use GNU/Linux and don't want to use proprietary things like Intel HAXM (it also improve emulator performance). For reaching out goal we need only two steps:

step 0. Install android developer tools (adt) or eclipse + ADT plugin, if you not have one.
step 1. Launch eclipse and Android SDK Manager, install Intel x86 Atom System Image for needed APIs:

step 2. Create android virtual device (AVD) with following (or similar) parameters:
*CPU/ABI: Intel Atom (x86) — needed for speed up
*Memory Options: 1024 Mb
*Use Host GPU

That's all! Run our application on created device and enjoy.

Post based on stackoverflow answer.

PS. Yes, I hear that Intel HAXM are cool. But, you know...
Also there is a post from Intel on this subject, but as I undersand it works on Ubuntu only.

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